Wednesday, January 5, 2005
January 5, 2005
9:39 PM The first Christian Carnival of 2005 is now online. It contains a variety of entries by Christian writers from across the blogosphere, including something I wrote yesterday. Several entries offer helpful discussions of the tsunami disaster and the “Where was God?” question. 9:21 PM We leave for China in 8 days. Someone asked if I will be blogging from China. The answer is yes. We’ll have Internet access in Beijing and I plan on giving a daily update of our trip. 12:15 PM Due to the bad weather, all Wednesday night activities at Calvary are canceled. That means Awana will not meet tonight, no Wednesday night supper, and no Wednesday night classes. Stay home, stay warm, stay safe. 10:42 PM All of our disaster funds are being channeled through Samaritan’s Purse. Click here to see how the funds are being used. 10:31 AM Here’s a link to a story in the Oak Leaves that mentions Calvary and our disaster relief offering last Sunday. 2:04 AM Since Sunday we have received an additional $3000 for Tsunami Disaster Relief, pushing our total to over $23,000.