Wednesday, December 8, 2004
December 8, 2004
2:53 PM This week’s Christian Carnival is now online. It contains over forty entries, including one by yours truly, from all corners of the Christian blogosphere. 10:19 AM Calling all men! Don’t miss the final First Watch of the year. Ronbo Feley shares his testimony. We start serving breakfast at 5:55 AM. UPDATE: Mari Burda just informed me that along with our regular hot breakfast, we will be serving Blueberry Morning cereal. We ran out of it a few weeks ago, but now it is back by popular demand. 10:18 AM Three “last things” tonight … The last supper The last Awana The last midweek classes We will begin again in early January. 10:15 AM Happy Birthday to our son Mark. It was a happy day when you arrived 23 years ago this morning. You made us smile when first we saw you, and the smiles have never stopped. 10:09 AM Wednesday shout-out to William Allen Zulker of Wayne, PA, Heidi Neumann, Doug Cecil, Stanley van Reken, Paul Lavenau, Joe Greer, Jeff Richards in Salisbury, NC, Paul Ungaretti, Tom and Kyle Renard in Dallas, and to Ed Rubio. 9:32 AM 3227 miles.