Wednesday, December 3, 2003
December 3, 2003
1:29 PM An amazing article in today’s Wednesday Journal (p. 23). I would link to it but the Journal is not online. Jim Bowman wrote an article comparing sermons by two local preachers. I was one of the preachers, and Bruce Modahl of Grace Lutheran Church in River Forest was the other. He quotes Modahl extensively and analyses his sermon, then does the same for my sermon taken from 1 Corinthians 2:10-13, “How We Know What We Know.” He wasn’t evaluating the sermons as much as discussing contrasting styles. I felt fine about what he said about my sermon, and I imagine Pastor Modahl would feel the same way. I met Pastor Modahl several years ago and our churches worked together last year for the 9/11 Remembrance Service in Mills Park. The article was unusual in this day and age. Its all to the good if Oak Parkers take sermons seriously–no matter who preaches them. Jim Bowman’s article was a good step in that direction. It’s worth buying the Journal to read the article. 1:27 PM Renovation update: The workers have installed the thick plywood subfloor over half of the gym so far. It’s amazing how bright the gym looks with all the dark wood removed… . Lots of work on air conditioning ducts … Stonework progressing in the new portico … I saw the “new” cornerstone from the outside for the first time. It says “Calvary Memorial Church 2003” and is affixed to the back of the “old” Madison Street cornerstone from 1921. The new stonework looks very impressive. 11:12 AM Lou Nicholes has written a brand-new book called Mark: The Master Servant. The book is arranged in short sections using key-word titles to help individuals and families go through the gospel of Mark in their daily devotions. Very applicational. Highly recommended. 10:21 AM A group of evangelical leaders has just released the Kansas City Declaration on Marriage in response to the “gay marriage” movement. This is the finest, clearest statement on the biblical view of marriage that I have seen. Every church in America should endorse this statement or draft something similar. 7:01 AM Comments on The New Evangelicals cover story in the current issue of U.S. News and World Report: “4 out of 10 Americans call themselves “evangelicals. The term denotes people who believe the Bible is the Word of God and profess to be born again–that is, having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Evangelical churches are very good at reaching a broad cross-section of people and often tend to be market-driven and prone to doctrinal fuzziness… .” To read the rest of my comments, click here. 6:53 AM Aromatherapy. This is something I never thought about until a few weeks ago when I read in a bicycling magazine that peppermint helps wake you up and keep you alert. So I bought some oil of peppermint at the Whole Foods Market in River Forest. Tried rubbing it on my face in the AM. It did seem to work. Bought a few other oils—spearmint, wintergreen, and another one whose name I have forgotten. I’ve started partially filling the sink in the bathroom with water and putting in a few drops of each oil. Then I just splash the solution all over my face and hair and shoulders. Then I take the peppermint and rub it on my face. In all my years I’ve never had anything wake me up and get me feeling ready to go like this aromatherapy. I told Marlene that if I had a big metal bucket, I would dunk my whole head in it. She just shook her head. Anyway, it works for me—I’m feeling great in the mornings. 6:52 AM Only 3 days until “Two From Galilee.” Very few tickets left. Call the church office today: 708/386-3900.