Wednesday, August 27, 2003

August 27, 2003

8:32 PM Marlene, Josh and I are watching the White Sox-Yankees game right now. But we’re also watching little bits of the Bears preseason game and also the Cubs-Cards game. A sports feast. After supper Josh asked if we had any more cookies like we had the other day. When Marlene said we didn’t have any more, I said, “Your boys are hungry for some cookies.” She smiled and said, “That makes me happy.” So she went to the store and bought the cookie dough. And now we’ve just had fresh-baked cookies. Baseball, football, and cookies. Life is good.

2:03 PM Had lunch with Dave Worth, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of River Forest. They have just successfully completed a stewardship campaign to do $2.5 million in renovations and improvements of their facility. This is Phase 1 of a three phases they hope to complete in the next few years. Dave shared a ton of helpful insight on their stewardship effort and how it has strengthened the church in many ways.

6:59 AM During September our churchwide focus will be on the Legacy Campaign leading up to Commitment Sunday on the 28th. The “Living Sacrifices” devotional booklet is part of that emphasis. We will also feature stewardship testimonies in every worship service. On the 14th we will pass out commitment cards to each family, asking that members and attenders pray about their personal financial commitment to the campaign. Those cards will be turned in on the 28th. Here are the four sermons I will preach during September: September 7 “’They gave themselves first to the Lord’: Why Giving Begins with the Heart, Not the Pocketbook” 2 Corinthians 8:1-5 September 14 “Level 3 Faith and How to Get There” Hebrews 11:13-16 September 21 “’Should I not be concerned about that great city?’: Why We’re Staying in Oak Park” Jonah 4:11 September 28 “’Everything comes from you’: The Forgotten Secret of Generous Giving” 1 Chronicles 29:14

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