Tuesday, September 6, 2005
September 6, 2005
5:35 PM We just got off the phone with Mark in China. He is teaching English to 7th graders. When we asked him how he likes it, he said it was going fine but he and the others on his team have been busy from morning till night every day. He also mentioned that it is traditional for American teachers in China to give their Chinese students English nicknames. Ususally the teachers choose names related to American athletes (MJ, LeBron, Magic, etc) or other cultural icons. Previous English teachers had already named most of the students, but there were three boys in one class with no English nicknames. They asked Mark to give them names, so he named them Peyton, Eli and Archie. I asked Mark if he had eaten donkey yet. Yes, he had donkey last night. Cold donkey. Not a big fan. 9:21 AM On Sunday the congregation gave $14,800 for disaster relief for the victims of Hurricane Katrina. We will channel our gifts through Samaritan’s Purse. If you would like to make a donation, you can mail a check made payable to Calvary Memorial Church with a note that it is for Disaster Relief. The mailing address is: Calvary Memorial Church 931 Lake Street Oak Park, IL 60301 Click here to make an online donation. 9:11 AM Right now I’m listening to American Family Radio, a Christian network based in Tupelo, Mississippi. They offer four different channels of music you can listen to over the Internet—Inspirational, Adult Contemporary and Christian Classics. 9:11 AM 1780 miles.