Tuesday, September 14, 2004
September 14, 2004
4:50 PM Last week we sent out an email asking for “Fifty Faithful Men” who would commit to forming the foundation of the First Watch ministry for men. We asked the men to make two commitments: 1) To come each Thursday Morning for breakfast, fellowship and Bible study, 6-7 AM. 2) To invite a friend to come with them. We asked God for 50 men, and as usual, God answered above and beyond. So far 66 men have answered the call. Here they are: Al Allen Joel Ayres Kirk Baker Lee Balgemann John Bax Tom Benno Randy Birkey Mike Bosco Noe Brambila Andy Brandt Bob Boerman Joe Cesarini Don Childs Dale Craft Mark Compasio Bill Daniel Bob Davis Howard Duncan Ron Feley Rob Gaskill Ross Hauser Gene Heidt Stan Hendricks Vernon Henrikson Matt Hopp Dave Hoy Andrew Irvin Mike Jebb Emil Jersa Keith Johnson Chris Jones Jonathan King Ted King Ron Kinzie Jeremy Long Kent Magnusson Allan McLeod-Smith Jay Miller Fred Most Jim Nealon Dwight Nelson Skip Olson Andre Payne Tim Polona Cliff Raad Tom Regan Ed Sagan Robert Schuler Thorpe Schoenle Baird Shattuck Kjell Sleipness Adrian Smith Ian Smith Daniel Spisiak John Sredl Dale Stoffer Hans Svebakken John Tahl Rick Tanksley Kevin Thames Gelu Ursache Doug Wiegman Ron Wilczenski Don Williams Reg Winston Steve Zoller We expect other men to step forward and join the these men in the next few days. 4:15 PM Cliff Raad says that he can’t find the place on Roosevelt Road that sells Moon Pies. This is what I think I know: Bob Johnsen bought some Moon Pies, gave a box to Cliff to give to me. Cliff said he left them in his car and couldn’t find them later. Which sounds suspiciously like, “The dog ate my homework.” Now he says he can’t even find the story. I’m thinking of writing a new book: “The Mystery of the Missing Moon Pies.” 4:12 PM Ken Aycock in Mobile, Alabama, sent me this note after reading the weblog last Friday:
“We talked over how Ole Miss can beat Alabama tomorrow night” Hey, I was at the game…. didn’t happen 🙂 Ken
Alas, ’tis true. Those Bama boys didn’t treat my Rebels very well last Saturday night. Nick was at the game. He drove from Birmingham to Atlanta to see me, the back to Birmingham on Saturday AM, then to Tuscaloosa to see the game on Saturday night. Oh, to be young again. Just thinking about all that driving makes me sleepy. 4:10 PM Don’t forget: First Watch for men starts in 9 days.