Tuesday, September 13, 2005
September 13, 2005
10:36 PM Many people have asked how we are doing since Sunday night. It depends on the moment, of course, but fundamentally we are at peace. The decision to leave is entirely our own, prompted we believe by the Lord. So it’s onward for the Pritchard clan. I have been teaching people for years that living by faith means taking the next step even when you don’t know the end of the journey. Now we get to put that into practice in a brand-new way. 9:51 PM Tracie Howes sent this message from Louisiana:
I just read Ray’s weblog. After picking my jaw up, I called for Brian to come to the “study.” I called out, “Pastor Ray resigned!” Brennan came flying our his room, nearly teary eyed—saying—”Who died? Pastor Ray died?” After restating that Ray had resigned, not died, he was content.
9:51 PM Yes, I am teaching the Pastor’s Bible Class tomorrow night in the Dining Room at 7 PM. 9:49 PM Marlene and I would like to thank everyone for their many cards, phone calls and emails. Right now we’ve got a lot going on so if you sent an email, I will respond but it may take a few days. 9:46 PM The September issue of China Clippings reminds us how quickly things can change. There is both good news and worrisome news regarding the Christian movement in China. 9:42 PM I am just back from a previously scheduled whirlwind trip to Winnipeg, Manitoba, a beautiful city built on the flattest land I’ve ever seen. This morning I did three one-hour TV interviews for the It’s a New Day program with host Willard Thiessen. This was my second visit to Winnipeg and I must say I greatly enjoyed myself although I didn’t stay in town long enough to see very much. Because Canadian TV is set up differently than American TV, the programs we taped will air on public broadcast channels across Canada sometime in November.