Tuesday, October 5, 2004
October 5, 2004
11:31 AM The following letter came in the mail yesterday:
Dear Rev. Pritchard and the congregation of Calvary Memorial Church, We wish to commend you for your courage and faithfulness in standing for the truth of God’s Word regarding marriage and human sexuality. This parish and the Reformed Episcopal Church stand with you in your loyalty to God and His revealed plan for human beings. God’s grace does change lives, but that unfortunately is not what many today wish to hear for they love their sins. As we well know, the only hope is the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which we must faithfully proclaim and follow. May God continue to bless your ministry. Sincerely, Reverend Frank M. Levi, Rector St. Andrew’s Church Tinley Park, IL
7:56 AM On Sunday I mentioned that the Wednesday Journal, an Oak Park weekly, will carry a 1400-word summary of my sermon on same-sex marriage that includes a clear presentation of the gospel. Eric Rubio, one of our high schoolers, sent me this follow-up message:
Hey Pastor Ray! Right, so you remember how you said on Sunday that the core of “The Truth About Same-Sex Marriage” is going to be printed in tomorrow’s Wednesday Journal? Well, I’m a carrier for the Journal, and tomorrow is our fall saturation, so in addition to every carrier having to do twice the work, virtually every home in Oak Park will receive a copy of the paper (saturation, in case you don’t know, is just that – every home along the routes, not just the subscribers, gets a copy). Isn’t God great? Have a good week! -Eric
7:53 AM Men of Calvary! Rub that sleep out of you eyes. Only two more days until First Watch! Breakfast will be served starting at 5:55 AM. Be there or be square.