Tuesday, October 21, 2003
October 21, 2003
11:32 PM Tony Blankley thinks General Boykin was right. So do I. 11:28 PM Dennis Prager describes 15 specific areas of conflict between Right and Left in Part 2 of The Second American Civil War: What It’s About. Here’s an excerpt:
The fact is that this country is profoundly divided on virtually every major social, personal and political issue. We are in the midst of the Second American Civil War. Who wins it will determine the nature of this country as much as the winner of the first did.
11:23 PM Thousands are asking, “When are Steve Boisse and Pastor Ray going to do the big taste test between Parky’s Hot Dogs and Gene and Jude’s Red Hots?” Steve and I discussed that burning question after the elder meeting tonight. Consensus: Pretty soon, definitely before it gets too cold and the snow comes. So probably sometime in November. Details to follow eventually as soon as we figure them out. (For background on this gastronomic debate, see the Archives for September 5 & 9). 1:05 PM The Rapture Index has risen one point, to 163. 12:54 PM Far and away the best book on writing I’ve read lately is Words Fail Me by Patricia T. O’Connor. Unlike many books about writing that manage to be dry as sawdust, this one is fun and easy to read. 12:46 PM We have just posted the text of the Billy Sunday presentation from last Sunday. You can view the pictures here. 12:40 PM I highly recommend the work of Dr. Bryant Wood and the Associates for Biblical Research. They are committed to demonstrating the reliability of the Bible through excavation and research in biblical archaeology. Two men from Calvary—Paul Boesche and Bob Enstrom—have particpated in their digs in the past few years. 12:31 PM Looking ahead: Thursday at 8 AM I’m speaking to a Pastor’s Appreciation Breakfast sponsored by John’s Christian Store in Carol Stream. The meeting will take place at Pleasant Hill Community Church, 26W401 Geneva Road in Wheaton… . Saturday at 3 PM I’m doing a book signing for He’s God and We’re Not at the Berean Christian Store, 1943 Glacier Park Avenue (Just off Route 59), Naperville. 12:29 PM The renovation project continues with lots of work being done in the gym stage area. Still waiting for some village inspections before going ahead on the portico area. We are also seeing progress in the electrical installation and the air conditioning system in the west wing.