Tuesday, October 12, 2004
October 12, 2004
11:43 AM Attention all men! Only two more days until First Watch. I just met a wife who said her husband took to heart what I talked about last Thursday. Then she smiled and added, “Keep it up, Pastor Ray.” 11:41 AM Oak Park Christian Academy will celebrate their tenth anniversary with a Silent and Live Auction on Friday, November 5. Call 708-445-3030 for more information. 11:33 AM Josh has updated his website with some new pictures from China. He also added this brief report on his homepage:
Ok, so I have completed just over 25% of my year commitment in China teaching English and I thought maybe it would be a good idea to write something since it has been so long. I won’t write much but just to say great things are happening in China and it’s an amazing experience so far. I have added another gallery today which includes a mixed bag of photos from the last month. Enjoy.
11:30 AM Brian Bill began his sermon on Sunday with this story:
Every morning an older woman would go out on her porch, raise her arms to the sky and yell, Praise the Lord! An atheist bought the house next door to her and quickly became irritated with these expressions of exaltation. After putting up with it for about a week, he couldnt take it anymore. The next morning after she shouted, Praise the Lord, the man yelled back, There is no Lord. This went on every day for quite some time. Then one cold, wintry day she went out on her porch, raised her hands to the sky and said, Help me Lord, I have no more money, its cold, and I have no food. The next morning she went outside and found three bags of food on her porch. She quickly raised her hands and cried out, Praise the Lord! Just then the atheist stepped out from behind the bushes laughing and said, There is no LordI bought those groceries with my money! The woman immediately dropped to her knees and exclaimed, Praise the Lord! You sent me groceriesand you made the Devil pay for them!
11:29 AM Today’s entry in the Crosswalk weblog is called My Corner of the World.