Tuesday, November 9, 2004
November 9, 2004
10:16 PM Looking Ahead … The Bridge of Hope Concert for Breakthrough Urban Ministries is this Saturday night … The Biannual Business Meeting is Sunday night at 6:30 PM (Dessert social at 6 PM in the Dining Room) … By overwhelming popular demand, the Turkey Trot and Pastor’s Stroll return on Thanksgiving morning after the Prayer and Praise Service (8-9 AM in the Dining Room). I’m planning to add some exciting new stories to my Pastor’s Stroll this year, including information on the only times D. L. Moody and Billy Sunday spoke in Oak Park, and the real story of Joseph Kettlestrings, the founder of our village. 10:14 PM I spoke with Mari Burda and discovered that she is serving French toast and sausage this Thursday morning at First Watch, our weekly men’s ministry. We start serving at 5:55 AM. I’ll be speaking on “The Battle for Your Children.” 10:11 PM Bike riding update: 3011 miles YTD. I’ve been a little behind schedule for the last few months so I’m going to have to pick it up (and hope for reasonably good weather) between now and the end of the year in order to reach my goal of riding one more mile than last year—which was somewhere between 3600-3700 miles. I’ve got the exact figure written down but don’t have it handy at the moment. I’ve been getting my winter riding gear ready. It looks like I need to buy some heavy gloves and maybe some Body Armor that insulates against the cold. The real culprit is always cold fingers and toes. One day someone needs to invent some workable heated gloves and socks.