Tuesday, May 18, 2004
May 18, 2004
4:03 PM I’ve started a second weblog as of this afternoon. Through the kindness of Kevin McCullough, I was offered a chance to host a weblog on Crosswalk.com, the largest Christian website in the world. They have a two-fold purpose: 1) To encourage believers, and 2) To influence the culture for Christ. At the moment I am the seventh person to host a weblog on Crosswalk.com. Others (besides Kevin) include Philip Johnson (author of Darwin on Trial) and Dr. Al Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. It’s a little different format from this weblog—which tends to be church-centered and a bit more newsy and personal. I’m glad to do it because the Crosswalk website gets 1.7 million visits each month. This offers me a chance to reach a much larger audience—and of course there are links back to the Calvary website and to this weblog. Kevin’s weblog is very jazzy compared to mine—but I hope to get a few tips from him on adding some special features. You can find my Crosswalk weblog at pritchard.crosswalk.com. 4:01 PM This evening at 7 p.m. Peter LaBarbara (Executive Director of the Illinois Family Institute) will be debating David Orr and a lesbian on Channel 11s Chicago Tonight. It will be two against one (Peter) on our side. (Hat tip to Lynette Hoy) 6:56 AM Attention, Men! Did you know that 40 men from Calvary have already signed up to attend Promise Keepers in Indianapolis, July 30-31? We have 55 free tickets (regular cost: $79 apiece) for this weekend event. The Mens Ministry has made arrangements for travel and lodging. Your cost should be about $100 for the weekend plus some meal costs. Click here for more details. 6:55 AM Eric Reed offers advice on loving Nineveh. 6:40 AM Today’s Chicago Tribune carries a nice story about Bill Lavicka’s enormous sculpture called “The Catch,” featuring an outstretched arm, a glove and a baseball. Lavicka carved the arm from the trunk of a sycamore tree, the concrete glove weighs two tons, and the baseball is a yard across. The sculpture will be installed this week at the Near West Little League Park at Leavitt and Lexington Streets in the Tri-Taylor Historic District. The story mentions Bob Muzikowski, the founder of the Near West Little League. Bob and Tina and their children attend Calvary. You can read the inspiring story of his conversion in the bestselling Safe at Home.