Tuesday, May 11, 2004
May 11, 2004
1:46 PM Coming this Sunday: “My Only Hope,” a musical presented by “All 4 Him,” at 6 PM in the sanctuary. Ice-cream social following the musical. 1:04 PM A note from Dave Schlueter: “Lenore Dunlop, a great servant of the Lord, passed away on Monday morning as a result of some complications from a fall and broken hip Saturday evening. Her sons and the Judson Baptist Church family will miss her greatly.” Lenore and Merrill Dunlop were inseparable for over 60 years. Merrill would have been 100 last week. Lenore was in her 90s when she died. Paul Harvey paid tribute to both of them on his noon broadcast yesterday. Merrills connection to Calvary goes back to 1921 when he was our pianist while still a teenager. He told me about hearing Billy Sunday when he led his great Chicago crusade in 1918. Merrill and Lenore served the Lord together until Merrill went to heaven several years ago. Now they are reunited forever. Heaven grows sweeter by the day because so many good friends are already there. On a personal note, I treasure the times that Merrill and I talked. He had such a gift of encouragement. Though he was world-famous, he followed with great interest all that was happening at Calvary. I last saw Mrs. Dunlop at our Christmas musical a year ago. Merrill played the organ at Judson Baptist Church in Oak Park well into his 90s. We extend our condolences to the Dunlop family and to the family of God at Judson. There will be a wake at Peterson’s Funeral Home on North Avenue on Friday night. The funeral service is 11 AM Saturday at Judson Baptist Church. 11:20 AM A few weeks ago I taped five devotionals for the “Breakfast for the Soul” program on WMBI radio, 90.1 FM. Those devotionals will air next week, Monday-Friday, May 17-21, at 5:12 AM. 11:04 AM From Kara Miller: “Wanted to let you know that Christina Irvin is appearing on the Channel 5 10 PM news on Tuesday. She helped me out as a volunteer for my story on teeth whitening!”