Tuesday, July 8, 2003
July 8, 2003
8:45 PM On the homefront tonight, Josh and Nick had a boxing match in the front yard. The boxing thing started several weeks ago when Nick and John Mark Edwards bought some boxing gloves and headgear and started knocking each other around (all in good fun, you understand, but there has been a little blood nonetheless). Josh decided to get a taste of the action tonight. It was not exactly a stellar display of boxing prowess but one jogger stopped to watch it anyway. No one was seriously hurt, which I considered a good thing. I’m posting this notice because Nick thought the world should know about it.
1:52 PM Nice article on spreading the abstinence message in Las Vegas.
1:49 PM More Good news. We got the word that the construction permits have been approved and we can pick them up later today. PTL! 1:44 PM Good news. The OPCA enrollment countdown now stands at 19.
8:56 AM Rode my bike yesterday and this AM, dodging thunderstorms. Miles so far this year: 1836.
8:40 AM Here’s the Legacy Campaign prayer request for today: “Pray for the architect, Aubrey Swift, and his associate, Peter Rumpf.”
Does prison ministry really work? Chris Jahns sent me a link to an encouraging article from the Wall Street Journal that answers yes.