Tuesday, July 27, 2004
July 27, 2004
1:25 PM Calvary on the move … Today Darin Weil and 46 Power Connection students and leaders are at Great America. They return late tonight … Tomorrow Craig Hammond takes 40-45 Allied Force high schoolers on a two-day trip to Cedar Point Amusement Park in Ohio. 1:19 PM One piece of truly sad news. The village has informed us that the huge elm tree near the west entrance to the sanctuary will be cut down soon because it has Dutch Elm disease. Unfortunately, there is nothing to do about it, and even as I look out my window this afternoon, I can see where the disease has already destroyed the top of the tree. Soon all the leaves will be gone and the tree will be dead. The village pays the cost of removal because they want to prevent the disease from spreading. It’s sad because the tree is magnificent and has been there over 100 years. We have a picture from the early 1900s showing the tree right next to the sanctuary. 1:17 PM I’m a happy man today because I found out I don’t have to have a root canal. Made me want to do back flips down Lake Street, if I do that, which I can’t. But I’m still a happy man. 8:59 AM Kudos to Kevin McCullough for his excellent coverage of Sunday’s rally in support of traditional marriage in New York City. 8:58 AM Just heard that 48 men from Calvary will be attending the Promise Keepers Conference in Indianapolis this weekend. 8:52 AM I’m out of town again this week—my final Sunday on the road this summer. But here’s the good news—our speaker will be Jhan Moskowitz of Jews for Jesus. Hands down, he is our favorite guest preacher year after year. It’s a joy to welcome him back to Calvary. And of course, I’ve never heard him preach because I’m always out of town when he’s at Calvary. He’s a great man and a good friend to our church. I always hear great things about his messages. 8:50 AM A good place to eat—Heaven on Seven on Wabash Avenue in Chicago. Hot and spicy New Orleans-style cuisine. Marlene and I were there last night. 8:49 AM Today’s entry in the Crosswalk weblog is called Things to Check Out.