Tuesday, December 30, 2003
December 30, 2003
1:02 PM Really big renovation news: The permanent surface in the gym is being installed as I type these words. A few minutes ago Marlene and I walked into the gym and tested out the surface. It’s a permanent finish called “Mondo” that has a soft, rubbery feel that will be excellent for basketball and volleyball. It’s also a surface that will allow us to have a worship service in the gym starting March 21. By the way, we are renaming the gym “The Upper Room” because we will use it as a worship center. Soon there will be a sign with the new name above the new doors that have just been installed. When we looked at the three-color paint scheme, Marlene said, “This is gorgeous.” The gym has been transformed from an old, drab, run-down area to a bright, airy, cheerful, friendly space. 8:47 AM Around our house we’re counting down the hours. Okay, I’m the only one counting down the hours. Not the hours until the New Year—the hours until the kickoff of the Cotton Bowl between Ole Miss and Oklahoma State. BTW, it’s 76 hours and 13 minutes. 8:43 AM Three articles on the current state of American religion: David Brooks explains the National Creed. Jim Wallis says it’s time for liberals to put God back in politics. George Barna says millions of Americans are spiritually satisfied and confused. 8:41 AM Cal Thomas says someone should ask Howard Dean which Jesus he believes in.