Tuesday, August 26, 2003
August 26, 2003
9:31 PM Another excellent column by David Limbaugh on why Judge Roy Moore is both right and wrong. In my opinion, he correctly frames the issue when he asks, “Is the hill you want to die on?” For me, at the present time, the answer is no. He’s also quite correct when he says the problem is not an activist judiciary but a cultural breakdown in society that has led to the current situation. A granite monument in Montgomery is not going to change that no matter where it is located.
6:49 PM Colin Smith, pastor of the Evangelical Free Church of Arlington Heights, called to talk to me about the new Bible study/video series he has written and produced in cooperation with Moody Bible Institute and the Total Living Network called Unlocking the Bible. It’s a ten-session evangelistic Bible study that takes people from Genesis to Revelation by highlighting key biblical events from Creation to the Second Coming. In 2004 churches across Chicago will unite to sponsor hundreds of home groups to help people understand the message of the Bible so they can come to know God through faith in Christ. It’s a tremendous idea and I hope we can sponsor a number of groups in Oak Park and the surrounding communities.
6:41 PM Had lunch today with John Armstrong. John has spoken at Calvary on several occasions and is the author of many books, including The Catholic Mystery and True Revival. Both books are highly recommended for their gracious spirit and for a wonderful combination of biblical insight and practical help.
6:40 PM Went for a bike ride this afternoon. 90+ degrees. Great riding weather. Total miles for the year: 2404.
11:52 AM Did you pick up a copy of “Living Sacrifices” last Sunday morning? It’s a brand-new devotional written by members of our congregation for use during September as part of the Legacy Campaign. For each day of the month, there is a brief devotional written around the theme of “spiritual commitment.” Last Sunday copies were available in the lobby. This Sunday we’ll be handing them out with the bulletins. We will also make the full text of each devotional available on the website so that people around the world can join us in our adventure of faith during September.