Tuesday, August 24, 2004
August 24, 2004
2:59 PM Attention Calvary men of all ages! Circle Thursday, September 23 on your calendar. That’s when “First Watch” begins. We’re starting a weekly breakfast, fellowship and Bible study from 6-7 AM. That’s right—we’re starting at 6 AM, and we promise to be done at exactly 7 AM every week. Each week we’ll serve a hot breakfast, we will enjoy fellowship around the tables, and I’ll bring a short Bible challenge just for men, and we’ll be in and out in 60 minutes—guaranteed. It all starts four weeks from this Thursday. 2:57 PM A friend asked if I even have a car since I only talk about riding my bike or walking. Yes, I have a car, but it’s boring to talk about compared to the glories of bike riding. If I could, I would ride my bike everywhere I go. 2:53 PM News and notes … Last weekend the Allied Force leaders went away for a planning retreat. This weekend the Power Connection leaders do the same … The bus to pick up Moody students will resume this Sunday morning. It arrives in front of Crowell Hall at 9:15 AM … Brian Bill points out that I am the featured contributor on Sermon Central this week. 2:50 PM “God Speaks Today” update: In the last two Sundays, we have given away over 600 copies of “The Truth About Same-Sex Marriage” by Erwin Lutzer. Last week we sent a mailing about the series to very Calvary family on our local mailing list. This week we are mailing 40,000 postcards to every home and business in Oak Park, River Forest, and Forest Park. Those postcards should arrive by this weekend. In a few days, we’ll be hanging a banner about the series about the front doors of the sanctuary. Tomorrow morning, we are hosting a breakfast meeting for local evangelical pastors to discuss the upcoming series and to pray together. 2:48 PM Tuesday Shout-Out to Jason and Amber Cussen, Kjell Sleipness, Roger and Lisa Upton in Gaffney, SC, Bruce and Mary Fields, and Grant and Fern Brown in Westoboro, WI.