Thursday, September 9, 2004
September 9, 2004
11:50 AM Check out this week’s Christian Carnival, featuring entries by various Christian bloggers arranged around the theme, “Be Thou My Vision.” 11:46 AM I have just written an entry for the Crosswalk weblog called We Should Do This More Often. 11:13 AM Nice note from Bob Cosby in Logansport, Indiana:
Right after we moved to Logansport, there was a man in our community who hit a man on a bicycle and killed him. He left the scene, said he thought he hit a deer, was given 1 year home detention and 2 years probation. About a week and a half ago, he violated his probation and at the request of one of his friends, I went to see him, introduced myself and got to know him a little bit. When I left, I gave him a copy of An Anchor for the Soul. That was Friday. I went to see him briefly on Sunday and he told me he had already read the book, some of it twice and when I went to see him last night, he told me that he had never been told that Christ had died for him. When I began to deal with him, he told me that he had already prayed the prayer on page 117. He told me it was like a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders. I am looking forward to following up on him.
9:42 AM The Coundown Continues … 3 days until “God Speaks Today” begins. 14 days until “First Watch” begins. 9:38 AM Nice article about Calvary in the “Moody Student,” the campus newspaper at MBI. The article mentions Keith and Lynsey Steiner, leaders of the college ABF. Keith is also an RS for Culby 10-19, which means he oversees the RAs who works on those floors in Culbertson Hall. There is a nice plug for the Upper Room Service, “for people who are interested in a more informal, intimate (setting).”