Thursday, September 1, 2005
September 1, 2005
10:41 PM Today’s entry in the Crosswalk weblog is called Eyes on Katrina. 6:51 PM Here’s an amazing list of online resources relating to Hurricane Katrina. The list includes quite a few blogs that give a ground-level view of the disaster. 6:46 PM This morning a reporter from the Oak Leaves interviewed me about Calvary’s response to the Hurricane Katrina disaster. When she asked if we were sending a team of people to Lousiana and Mississippi to help out, I told her that we might be doing that in the days to come. I just heard the Mayor of Detroit invite displaced people to come to his city for refuge. It may be that we will have an opportunity to help out in a way closer to home as people looking for help fan out across America. 6:43 PM This seems like a good way for local churches outside the damage zone to lend a helping hand. Hugh Hewitt makes the same suggestion and explains why the blogosphere is uniquely suited to match congregations. This probably works better for churches with denominational affiliations than for independent churches like Calvary. But there are no doubt many small churches in the affected areas that would welcome help from congregations in other parts of the country. How can we make it happen? If you have an idea, please send me an e-mail. 6:28 PM The victims of the hurricane are hungry for spiritual food also. 1:34 PM We just received a request for 100 copies of An Anchor for the Soul that will be included in “Gift of the Heart” disaster recovery kits for the victims of Hurricane Katrina. These kits will be distributed through Christian Disaster Response. Click here to view a list of the other items in the kit. Pastor Andy McQuitty of Irving (TX) Bible Church has issued a call to his congregation to be involved in a very direct way as refugees from New Orleans are being housed in the Dallas area. 9:23 AM Don’t forget that this Sunday we will take a special offering to aid the victims of Hurricane Katrina. The money will be channeled through Samaritan’s Purse. 9:16 AM Anchor for the Soul update: Doreen Mahlstedt sent along this note from Bob Enstrom. These are books we are sending to prison ministries or to other evangelistic ministries:
Hi Doreen, This week I shipped the following books: 2000 books Library of Hope, Colorado Springs, Colo. 500 books Chaplain’s Resource Room, Dublin, Calif. 500 books John/Carolyn McPhail, DeLeon Springs, Fla. 300 books Mass. Correctional Institution, Framingham, Mass. Bob Enstrom
9:07 AM A big Thursday shout out to Ray and Ruth Leaf in Japan, Dean Izett, Mary Brooks and Donny Williams (who are getting married a week from Saturday), Sylvia Quandt, David and Andrea Rouse, Kevin and Aimee McCullough, Bob Dahms, Brad and Susie Crowe, Thorpe and Kara Schoenle, Baird and Teresa Shattuck, John Vanderzyden in San Jose, Yana Hylton, Steve and Donna Baer, David Martosko in Burke, Virginia, Helen Skaanning in Massachusetts, Debbie Bolton King, Christa Sudhakar, Joanna Lynch Morris in Louisville, KY, Ryan and Becky Nicholas, Hector and Maria Ortiz, Dawn Olson, Brian and Donna Ondracek, and to Johann and Janet Buis.