Thursday, November 18, 2004
November 18, 2004
5:34 PM Josh has added some new photos from China. Go to, then click on “Gallery” on the lefthand column. Then click on the “China” photo album at the top of the page. 5:22 PM Sylvester Boyd of the Military Torch Ministry sends along the following story as a followup to my sermon from last Sunday:
While serving as a missionary at the Fishermen’s Wharf Military Christian Center in North Chicago, across the street from Great Lakes NTC and 36,000 sailors back in the 70’s, we had a wide variety of Christians and non-Christians who were our “regulars.” One newer Christian was loud and boisterous and everything you would normally hear from a New Yorker. Another one was quiet, smooth and sophisticated and had all the right Christian lingo, etc. One day, the second sailor was in my office when the first one plunged through the door and slammed it with a bang saying “I’m home….anybody here?” The second sailor shook his head and looked right at me and asked, “How in the world do you stand him?” My answer distressed my sophisticated brother. I said, “I stand him exactly the same way I stand you!” Well, needless to say there was a lesson learned. I’ve told this story over and over again to sailors when they need to hear about how the Lord stands all of us sinners.
5:19 PM Pastor Andrew Irvin tells me that we are still looking for volunteers to help make the sanctuary banners for next year. Give him a call at 708-386-3900 or email him at for more information.