Thursday, November 13, 2003
November 13, 2003
12:51 PM Quick renovation update: The workers have kicked it up a notch this week. Taping and bedding on the enormous south wall of the gym is nearly complete. Stonework continues in the new portico. I couldn’t get upstairs because of scaffolding but I can hear the sounds of construction on the second story of classrooms and offices in the former gym stage area. Progress also on the new nursery. It’s full steam ahead on all fronts. 12:45 PM Excellent final service at Timothy Christian High School. After my message on “Do you love me?” from John 21, over 200 students came forward to place rocks in a pile at the foot the cross. The rocks signified a united commitment to be a “community of faith,” believers who band together to follow Christ wherever he leads, whatever the cost. Very moving to see so many students so eager to publicly express their faith. We kept on singing because the aisles were clogged with students coming forward. We ended by joining hands and saying The Lord’s Prayer together. Each day this week was different—one day we sang before my message, one day there was a skit, yesterday the students wrote their commitments and placed them near the cross, today they committed themselves to follow Christ. Special thanks to Benj Petroelje and Sharon Dodgson for inviting me and to everyone at TCHS who made this such a profitable week of ministry. I came away impressed by the spirit of the student body. It’s obvious that good things are happening there. 7:46 AM Want a more effective prayer life? Phil Miglioratti of the National Pastors Prayer Network says the key lies in two simple words: “So that.” When you pray, tell the Lord why he should answer your prayers. For a fuller explanation, click here. 7:28 AM Two reminders: 1) Biannual Business Meeting, Sunday night, 6 PM Dessert Social, 6:30 PM Business Meeting. Agenda: Approve 2004 budget, elect elders & deacons/esses, choose at-large members of 2004 Nominating Committee, updates on renovation & Legacy Campaign, 2003 Staff Member of the Year award, Q&A. Members expected to attend, all others are welcome. Childcare available. 3) Pastor of Outreach Ministries—search process has started. New fulltime staff position, open as of January 1, 2004. If you know of someone who might be interested or for more information, please contact Davis Duggins at the Church Office (708-386-3900) or you can send him an e-mail.