Thursday, May 27, 2004
May 27, 2004
7:20 PM Just posted an entry called Baggage Claim on the Crosswalk weblog. 10:52 AM I’m on the radio twice today: 1:20-2 PM With Kevin McCullough on WMCA in New York City. 4-5 PM With Adam McManus on KSLR in San Antonio, TX. (Later: This interview never happened. I was ready but they never called. That sometimes happens. We will try to reschedule.) 10:47 AM Jerry Rose and two of his men from the Total Living Network are at the church today looking over the broadcasting set-up that we use for the Upper Room Service. They’re helping us find ways to “raise the bar” in terms of our video/sound/music/Internet production so that we can improve what we’re doing right now—and someday soon expand our broadcast capabilities to include many other locations. Eventually our congregation may worship in 5-7 sites on the weekend—not all of them at 931 Lake Street and not all of them in Oak Park. The technology is readily available to make it happen. We need the vision and the “can-do” faith in God to take the next step. There is no reason why we couldn’t minister to 3000 people someday each weekend by being one church with many services in many locations. It will take a paradigm shift in our thinking—but if we can do that, we can reach far more people than we are reaching now. 10:44 AM Thursday morning shout-out to Chaplain Bill Bryan at Dallas Seminary, and to Arlyn Reed, Sylvester Boyd, Butch Henderson, Al Allen, and to Steve Miller in Oregon. 10:42 AM A message that arrived few minutes ago from someone on the weekly sermon e-mail list:
This (sermon) is a godsend. I have been praying for words to communicate to my Dad on the issue of the Catholic Church as a way of salvation. He is 73 and has a very bad heart which is only operating at 22%! I would appreciate your prayers as he gets a copy of your article this afternoon with a discussion with me after he reads it. Thanks and God Bless you. You are surely doing the Lord’s work!