Thursday, March 17, 2005
March 17, 2005
5:36 PM Kevin McCullough interviewed me for 40 minutes this afternoon on WMCA in New York. We talked about the Terri Schiavo case, the biblical grounds for civil disobedience, and Rick Warren’s book, The Purpose-Driven Life. It was a fascinating, fast-paced discussion. Click here for information on how you can hear the interview online. It will be replayed seven different times. 5:32 PM The latest entry in the Crosswalk weblog is called When Gay Activists Came to Calvary. The title refers to an article by the same name in the Winter 2005 issue of Leadership Journal. Here’s the final paragraph of the article:
Even the Sunday night protests did not detract from what happened inside the church. The publicity opened doors for the gospel that were never open before. If we had it to do over again, we would do some things better. But all of us who lived through those days look back and say, “That was a God thing.” And because God was in it, nothing but good came out of it.
2:38 PM Several days ago Craig Hammond passed around brackets for the NCCA basketball tournament. Several of us filled them out. Fear not. No money is involved, which is a good thing because already two of my teams have lost (Alabama, Pittsburgh). 2:36 PM Someone came up with the idea of putting Scripture verses inside fortune cookies. 1:14 PM Just talked to Bob Boerman who reports that he is receiving a lot of positive feedback our new Multi-Site Initiative. If you’d like to get on board or offer a comment or ask a question, send an email to 11:22 AM A happy St. Patrick’s Day shout-out to Erwin Lutzer, Pastor Bob Gray in Marco Island, FL, Jeff Godke, Jeff Richards, Mark and Lisa Goeke, Peter Faulkner, Paul Sturgis, Charles and Barbara Corbett, Carlene Appel, Gary Pigg, Pastor Dan Lundberg in Lindstrom MN, Pastor Josh Jennings in Springfield, KY, and Pastor Phil Baker in Perth, Australia. 11:21 AM Happy St. Patrick’s Day. Click here for a rich collection of resources relating to the man behind the holiday.