Thursday, March 10, 2005

March 10, 2005

8:31 AM Thursday Shout-Out to Beth Smith, Paul Wilson at Camp Forest Springs, Gail Padilla, Marvin Padgett, Bill Craig, Gary and Susan Balling, Duke Heller in Columbus, OH, to Big Mike and Sam, Patti Broderick, Terry White, Dave and Ellen Allen in Dallas, Ted Grimble, Dave Traiforos, Lydia Tan, Chuck Samec, Shaunda Ogletree, a get-well-quick to Steve Tedeschi, and a special thank-you to Sara and Emily Becker for introducing me at Timothy Christian School when I spoke in chapel yesterday. Special thanks also to Mark Elfstrand, Dave Mitchell, Michelle Strombeck, Wayne Peterson, Dan Hayden, and and the whole WMBI crew. I enjoyed see all of you at Share yesterday. 8:16 AM Brian Bill has found a cool site for pictures of Bible Places. Amazing photos of all parts of the Holy Land, plus photos from Egypt, Jordan, Turkey and Greece. A virtual online photo gallery of every major biblical site.

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