Thursday, June 12, 2003
June 12, 2003
Congrats to Kevin McCullough who has been a fixture in Chicago Christian radio (and a part of our church family) for more than a decade. He’s moving to New York City where he will host programs on two stations in the nation’s #1 media market.
Comings and goings at Calvary … The Allied Force High School ministry welcomes the incoming freshmen today. They leave this morning for a rafting trip in Wisconsin … Cliff and Phyllis Raad and the Golden Heirs return today from their annual trip to Branson, Missouri … Tomorrow a group of Calvary men head to Peoria for the Promise Keepers conference on Friday and Saturday.
Attention: Pastors, Bible teachers and Bible students. Ages Software is offering “The C.H. Spurgeon Colletion” on one CD. The CD contains over 3500 Spurgeon sermons plus “The Treasury of David” plus over 70 other books by Spurgeon plus detailed indices to make it easy to find what you want. Although he died in 1892, Spurgeon’s sermons and other writings still speak with amazing relevance. Many consider him the greatest preacher of all time. I just got my CD yesterday and installed it on my computers at church and at home. For ordering information, go to the Ages Software website.
Only 17 days until Groundbreaking Sunday!