Thursday, January 29, 2004
January 29, 2004
4:29 PM Just received an e-mail from a woman who read He’s God and We’re Not. Her oldest son serves with the Fourth Infantry Division in Iraq. Here’s the story in her own words:
My oldest son has been in Iraq since last April. He left April 1 of 03, to say that when he left was difficult is not a strong enough word. Then sending him off again after R&R last Oct. was even harder. I have lifted him up in prayer many, many times, I pray without ceasing. Many times I have been awakened in the middle of the night with the urgent need to pray. Later, I found out from my son that one of those times they were ambushed. I have not just learned about faith, but am living it. I have learned faith is not an emotion, you just do it, you step out into it.
What a wonderful story. God moves into action when godly mothers pray. A praying mother will not be turned away by the Lord. 4:26 PM Enjoyed my radio interview with Kevin McCullough. He had me tell the story about my father and how it helped me understand the concept of “God the Father Almighty.” Then we took calls—Got a call from Yonkers, one from Brooklyn, one from somewhere else in New York City. They wanted more information about the Apostles’ Creed — what it is, where it came from, and why it matters. 8:12 AM Had lunch yesterday with John Armstrong, president of Reformation and Revival Ministries. His ministry is sponsoring a conference called Trust and Obey: A Symposium on Law and Gospel, March 11-13, at Immanuel Presbyterian Church in Warrenville. Speakers includs representatives from Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox churches. 8:03 AM Chuck Colson points out that being a Christian does not necessarily qualify you for public office. Competence, character, knowledge and experience all matter.
But this doesnt change the fact that the first requirement is competence. And some non-Christians may be better prepared to carry out governments biblical mandate than some Christians, no matter how often the latter attend church.
8:02 AM No big surprise: Marvin Olasky still likes President Bush. 8:00 AM Bud Goode says New England should win the Super Bowl by seven points. He’s probably right, but I hope not. 7:39 AM Speaking of that sermon, I’ve received many comments on my remembrance of my father who died 30 years ago. I heard from two old friends who knew my dad. Ken Aycock wrote from Mobile saying he remembers how my father (a surgeon) cared for his father up until the day his father died at the hospital in Russellville, Alabama. “I remember with great warmth hearing my mom telling of your dad crying as we comforted my mom upon dad’s death after dealing with heart issues for some time.” Then I heard from Phil Newton in Memphis who reminisced about the times he would be at our house when my dad would come home. “I found myself thinking about the old days in Russellville, seeing your dad, calling to him, “Hello, Dr. Pritchard,” just as you said. A few words here or there he spoke to us, and always we looked at him with deep respect.” And just now—as I am writing this note—an e-mail arrived thanking me for talking about how my father impacted my life. “Your father’s story and how it has affected your life touched me in a deep place. ‘Father Almighty’ will always have a new and deeper meaning for me. Just wanted you to know that.” I’m glad to hear that, and from a preaching point of view, you never think to yourself (at least I don’t), “I’m going to talk about my own life and maybe it will touch someone.” The Lord just brings it about. 7:36 AM I’m on the air today in New York City. Kevin McCullough is in town this week and is doing his broadcast from the WYLL studios in Elk Grove Village. The program is sent via satellite to New York for broadcast on WMCA. I’m on with Kevin from 1:20-2:20 PM. We’re going to talk about my sermon from last Sunday on what it means to believe in God as “Father Almighty.”