Thursday, February 19, 2004

February 19, 2004

3:56 PM In case you don’t understand, here’s why “gay marriage” is a really bad idea. 3:39 PM Here’s some good news. 3:15 PM A friend asks for a website with information on giving a biblical response to Jehovah’s Witnesses. This is the best one I’ve found. 11:34 AM Several months we donated a case of An Anchor for the Soul books to Bob Weller so he could ship them to his son Bob, serving with the US Army in Iraq. Here’s an initial report:

Just wanted to let you know that we spoke with our daughter-in-law over the weekend and she spoke with young Bob on Saturday and he said he received the case of books and was already handing them out right and left. You’ll have to let me know when you start getting email from Iraq. I can’t wait to see how our good and gracious Lord will use this book in Iraq. No doubt a bunch of young and maybe not so young men and women in the U.S. Army will have a copy but the real exciting news will be when an Iraqi either, Sunni, Shiite or who knows, come to know the Lord though a chance happening upon a copy of your book.

11:11 AM After the elder meeting on Tuesday night, Steve Boisse and I discussed our plans to visit Parky’s and Gene and Jude’s Red Hots to sample and compare their French Fries and hot dogs. We both agreed it’s a little cold to be biking from one place to the other. But when spring comes, we will take up the challenge. To discover what this is all about, click here, here, here, and here. 11:05 AM Don Whitney has written a short article called Ten Questions to Ask about “The Passion of the Christ”. This would be an excellent article to print and give to friends who are planning to go to the movie…. Speaking of articles, Ken Trainor wrote a column for the Wednesday Journal (not available online) that uses the movie as a jumping-off point to chastise conservative Christians (that would be us, in case you didn’t know), and to make the case for birth control as the right answer to abortion, and to lobby for gay marriage. Ken is a friend of mine, I’ve known him for over ten years. He’s a good guy, and an excellent writer, but sometimes I just shake my head when I read his column. Maybe I’ll write some sort of response after I’ve seen the movie. 10:54 AM The Oak Leaves has a nice article about Adele-Marie Buis, daughter of Johann and Janet Buis, and sister of Elena Buis. The article mentions that Janet works at Calvary and that Johann, Adele-Marie and Elena frequently perform as a trio at church.

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