Thursday, August 7, 2003
August 7, 2003
7:23 AM A little fog this AM but it is already burning off. Last night after the service I met Dr. David Stern who gave me a copy of the “Millennium Three Edition” of the classic (over one million sold) book None of These Diseases. Years ago I had a copy of the first edition by S.I. McMillen. The book argues that the principles of a healthy lifestyle are laid out in the Bible, including the various medical laws that God gave to the children of Israel. It turns out that S.I. McMillen was Dr. Stern’s grandfather. Dr. Stern wrote a kind note in the book thanking me for my sermons this week. The book points out the health benefits of prayer and forgiveness, and the serious medical dangers of harboring anger and bitterness. What happens in the heart directly impacts your body