Sunday, May 16, 2004
May 16, 2004
6:49 AM Sunday shout-out to Ken Dawson, Randy Wilson, George Cominos, Jim Boult, Norma Britt, Marilyn Garapolo, Helen Schultz, Tom Perrault, and to all the brand-new graduates of Moody Bible Institute. We welcome friends and family members of those graduates who worship with us this morning. 6:44 AM Big news from the sports world: Calvary’s D Team recently won the championship of the Inter-Church Bowling League. Congratulations to team members Bob Bruce (captain), Glen Gale, Daniel Jones, Fred Most, Mike Muzzy and Jim Spann. Not only did D Team come in first place, Fred Most had the highest league average—202. The league bowled on Thursday nights at the Brunswick Zone in River Grove. 6:41 AM Two big concerts today and tomorrow: Sunday at 6 PM “All 4 HIm” (our junior high choir) presents “My Only Hope,” a gripping, realistic musical drama about the challenges teens face in today’s world. An ice cream social follows in the Dining Room. Monday at 7 PM The Music Department of OPCA presents their spring concert entitled “Under Construction.” Nancy Kamm is the director. 6:39 AM I know spring has finally arrived because I did something that I haven’t done in seven months—I walked to church a few minutes ago. Nothing relaxes me and prepares me to preach on Sunday like walking from our house to the church—a little over a half-mile. Today the weather is clear and crisp, the skies are bright blue and cloudless, and I thought and prayed and sang a bit as I walked. It’s a wonderful way to begin the Lord’s day.