Sunday, March 6, 2005
March 6, 2005
10:58 PM I had the pleasure of leading communion in Upper Room this morning. I continue to be amazed and pleased with what God is doing in that service. It has a life and a feel and an atmosphere completely different from what we do in the sanctuary. It’s young, vibrant, exciting, intimate, informal and a bit edgy. The average age must be around 25. Today they were flashing thought-provoking quotes on the video screen before the service started. I saw one by Ernest Hemingway and later one by Oswald Chambers. I love how the leaders (nearly all in their 20s) have taken hold in recent months. It is truly “their” service. And it remains a well-kept secret. This morning if you were a visitor to Calvary, and you didn’t know about the Upper Room, you’d never find it on your own. I’m smiling as I write this because I think the leaders of the URS like it that way. It’s sort of a “hidden service” that nevertheless draws a loyal and growing audience every week. So let me drop this idea to all my blog readers. If you come to Calvary, why not check out the Upper Room service at 10 AM? And if you’ve been attending the sanctuary, take a trip to the Upper Room (the gym) and see what’s happening up there. I enjoyed it immensely this morning. 10:58 AM Don’t forget the “Label Party” tomorrow night at 7 PM in the Dining Room. We still have 9000 Anchor books that need new labels. 10:57 PM Today’s entry in the Crosswalk weblog is called Abigail Adams on Living in Difficult Times.