Sunday, July 20, 2003
July 20, 2003
8:38 AM Brian Bill preaches in all four services at Calvary today. When I am on the road, I like to follow the four services in my mind and pray for the services as the morning rolls along… Don’t forget to pray for the Allied Force team in Costa Rica today … Also, Greg and Carolyn Kirschner and their four children return to Nigeria today … Heard recently from Rob and Kim Skinner who service with HCJB. They will be at Summer Breakaway and at Calvary August 10 … Also got a note today from Roy Hodson of Camp Nathanael in Kentucky asking us to pray for Miss Eva Lodgaard as she slows down physically.
8:27 AM Writing this note from the Fairfield Inn in Bangor, Maine. Quick notes: The journey from Schroon Lake across northern Vermont and New Hampshire into southern Maine passes through some of the most beautiful country in America. Sights and Sounds: Magnificent forests, “Apples Ahead,” the Vermont Teddy Bear Factory, “Geese,” the spectacular White Mountains, most of the major roads go north-south, not very many go east-west, Montpelier, Vermont, a beautiful state capital nestled among the hills, lots of bikers, in fact, the Northeast looks like biking paradise—at least in the summer, a large stand of birch trees, little Bed and Breakfast places in almost every town. Found two Civil War monuments—one in honor of the gallant men of St. Johnsbury, Vermont “who gave their lives to save the nation,” with a list of battles, including Fredericksburg, Port Hudson, Gettysburg, Wilderness, Cold Harbor, Petersburg.
(Speaking of the Civil War, I just got an e-mail this AM from Cliff Raad. He and Phyllis just returned from a whirlwind trip to visit all the sites we will visit on our Civil War tour next June. Here is his summary: “Arrived back home tonight at 8:00 p.m. after traipsing thru every battlefield in the East (at least it seemed so). The trip went perfect and I saw everything I had wanted to see. I’m now taking all the data and trying to make a tour out of it.")
One thing travelers don’t realize is that Maine is a BIG state—very big compared to Vermont and New Hampshire. It’s also far north compared to Chicago. We still have about three hours to travel today to get to Living Waters—in Danforth, not far from the border with New Brunswick.
Last night we called Josh to check in on things at home. All is well. He’s holding down the fort while we are on the road, Nick is in Costa Rica, and Mark is in Oregon for the summer. Seafood (especially lobster) is plentiful in Maine. We’re in Bangor, which is built next to the Penobscot River that drains into the Atlantic Ocean. Last night we had clams and lobster at “Captain Nick’s Restaurant. I’m sure we’ll have more seafood as the week goes on.