Sunday, February 22, 2004
February 22, 2004
9:59 PM Mark called this afternoon to talk about the situation in Haiti. Cap-Haitien has fallen to the rebels who are fighting to oust President Aristide. Cap-Haitien, Haiti’s second-largest city, is on the northern coast. I preached there last May at the church founded by Henoc Lucien. (Click here and scroll down to the report for Monday, May 12) The situation sounds chaotic and dangerous. In less-tense times, Mark visited Cap-Haitien with a group from Allied Force. We pray for peace to be restored to that troubled nation. For those who want to understand the terrible hold that voodoo has on Haiti, read this article. I cannot vouch for all the connections to US politics but I know that Caleb and Henoc Lucien believe that the “pact with Satan” that was made 200 years ago in Haiti is very real and is a major reason that country is so impoverished today. 9:42 PM It’s been a while since I’ve given a bike riding update. I just got back from a 14.5 mile ride through Oak Park, River Forest, Forest Park and Berwyn. The roads were wet but the temp was mild—in the low 40s. As of tonight I’m at 301 miles for the year—not too bad considering that I didn’t ride for at least two weeks in January and early February because of the extreme cold. During this part of the year I just try to tough it out as best I can. Usually I do my regular 11.1 mile route and forget about anything more. If I can ride 4 or 5 days a week, that’s pretty good for me. I purchased my new bike in mid-December and it’s time to take it to the bike shop. The brakes, the chain and the gears all need adjusting. We’re still a couple of months from consistently good biking weather in Chicago. Come to think of it, it didn’t really get warm last year until May. I’m hoping for something better this year. One nice thing about riding on Sunday night in conditions like this—the streets are empty so I can zip along and not worry too much about the traffic. 9:41 PM Jerry Falwell explains how Satan and Darwin conspired to undermine the church. 7:07 PM Sonlife Ministries has published a list of the Biblical Names of God in alphabetical order with Scripture references attached. This is a great aid for Bible study and for personal devotions. 6:25 PM Several months ago I published a list of my favorite weblogs. I’m repeating that list here, with a few new ones added: Broken Masterpieces The Evangelical Outpost Hugh Hewitt Kevin McCullough Dr. Al Mohler Blogs4God Adrian Warnock Christweb World Magazine Blog The Blogdom of God Get Religion 3:34 PM Roger Ebert and Richard Roeper give “The Passion of the Christ” two thumbs up.