Sunday, February 20, 2005
February 20, 2005
10:42 PM April 24 is Internet Evangelism Day. 10:37 PM Neil Cox offers the Top Fifty Reasons to Blog. 10:16 PM Al Mohler reminds us not to underestimate the blosophere. Right on. 10:12 PM Here’s an excellent summary on China’s rising influence and what it means for America’s global interests. 8:57 PM Sunday Shout-Out to Peter Williams, Logan Baer, Tom Clark, Robin Brooks, Melissa Cohen, Eric Edwards, Tammie Randall, Carrie Gulbrandsen, Dick and Bev Andre, Sam and Lovice Nicosia, Jonathan Randall, Steve Genovese, Christy Holter, Margie Gilchrist, Wayne Kilpatrick, Ethel Arenz, Thomas Obunde, Tori Norton, Ruth Congdon, Andy Turner, Mike Gossin, Kent and Nancy Magnusson, Dr. Jack Lewis, John Roach, George Kantartzis, Emily Bellin and Siew Fong.