Sunday, August 24, 2003
August 24, 2003
8:41 PM No news on Dixie. Yesterday and today I rode my bike and found myself looking down every alley. Marlene said this AM, “I didn’t think I would miss her as much as I do.” Tomorrow we’re going to check with Animal Control in Oak Park.
8:32 PM Four wonderful services this AM. We baptized 12 people, lots of family and friends present to witness the baptisms, powerful testimonies by those being baptized, including a brother and a sister, a husband and a wife. One man said he came to Christ after hearing “Run to the Cross” many times, and finally one day, he did. He decided to be baptized because “I ran to the cross and now I’m going to run to the river.”
In the 10:30 service, we were so full that we had to put down chairs in the lobby. That usually doesn’t happen in August. Good crowds in all four services. Enjoyed hearing “Love Lifted Me” in the 9:15 service. Excellent spirit in all services. Met a visitor from New Zealand who is on the weekly sermon e-mail list. Prayed with someone whose father died recently. Prayed with a couple who are expecting their first child in a few months. Signed two books that Allan MacLeod-Smith is sending to a prisoner who has expressed a strong spiritual interest. A friend gave me two ripe tomatoes, someone else gave me a tube of chocolates, and another friend gave me a copy of Is Your Church Ready?: Motivating Leaders to Live an Apologetic Life by Ravi Zacharias and Norm Geisler.