Sunday, April 4, 2004
April 4, 2004
4:27 PM Sign of the times … When I mentioned the Scofield Reference Bible in the sermon this morning, a majority of the younger crowd didn’t seem to recognize the name. A generation ago almost everyone brought a Scofield Bible to church. Nowadays there are so many study Bibles and “speciality” Bibles and so many translations that the Scofield has been almost forgotten, but once upon a time it was the Bible of choice for evangelical Christians. 4:23 PM Today was another “first” for our dual-service schedule. We served communion in the sanctuary and in the Upper Room at the same time, then simulcast the sermon. So far after three weeks, it looks like the technical side of things is going well and we’re able to start the sermon at the right time in both services. 4:18 PM This morning I saw Robert and Laura Schuler who said they talked to their son Robert, Jr., a Marine serving in Iraq. He is now in Fallujah along with thousands of other Marines. Robert and Laura are at peace with everything, knowing that their son is in the Lord’s hands.