September 12, 2003, 2003
September 12, 2003
1:37 PM Leaving for the Word of Life conference at Faith Baptist Church of Lafayette, Indiana. 11:30 AM Just spoke with Leif Jonasen who is in Northwestern Hospital where he had a stem cell transplant a week ago. He is feeling fine and everything looks good so far. We thank God and will continue to pray for him. 11:04 AM One of my biking heroes, Harry Blum, fell while riding his bike and tore his rotator cuff. Harry, we love you. Take it easy. Trust you’ll recover quickly so you can get back on your bike soon. 8:06 AM Yesterday I did a videotaping for the book What’s Good About Anger by Lynette Hoy and Ted Griffin. Doug Wiegmann and John Robson created a TV set (complete with a teleprompter) in the Prayer Room under the sanctuary. It was just like being at NBC or CBS except that it was at Calvary in the basement. We even had two cameras. I did three spots, then Lynette and Ted did longer pieces. The whole thing is being produced as a videotape/DVD to be packaged along with the book and workbook. Lynette said they are getting orders via the Internet from all over the country. “This is how Dobson got started,” I told her. She smiled when I said that, but it’s true. 8:03 AM Back from my bike ride. Fall is in the air. I saw my first leaves in the street while pedaling through River Forest. I love this season of the year—clear days, usually warm, then cool nights but not too cold. Almost perfect. Bike mileage to date: 2613 miles. 5:56 AM World Magazine explains what blogging is and why you ought to be doing it. 5:51 AM Don Childs wrote the Living Sacrifices devotional for today based on Philippians 2:5, “Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus.” An Excerpt:
We are called to have the same attitude (as Christ had): to humble ourselves for each others’ sake, to forsake the honors to which we are entitled (which are few indeed), and to live in servitude to our Lord and in submission to one another. This is the Supreme Sacrifice. This carries the greatest reward and the greatest hope. This is true love.
5:47 AM An early start to a busy day. Lots to do this AM because this afternoon Marlene and I are driving to Lafayette, Indiana where I’m speaking tonight and tomorrow for the Word of Life Leadership Development Conference. I giving three messages plus two seminars—one on “Scribbling for Jesus” about Christian writing and another one on “Contemporary Worship Services.”