Saturday, November 29, 2003
November 29, 2003
8:24 AM “Two from Galilee,” our Christmas musical, starts one week from today. Two performances on Dec 6, one on December 7. This is the biggest, most ambitious Christmas program we’ve ever produced. Have you purchased your tickets yet? If not, pick them up tomorrow in the lobby between services. 8:19 AM I had to run over to the church a few minutes ago to pick up some books. While I was in the building, I did my first walk-thru of the new classrooms/offices in what used to be the gym stage area. Amazing to see how much progress has been made recently. Walls, ceilings, floors are all in place. It looks like they’re wrapping up the heating/air conditioning… . The gym itself is almost finished. New lights are in and working, the ceiling is finished, the walls will be painted soon. The final step will be the installation of the new surface and the new doors… . The stonemasons are hard at work this AM in the portico. They are rushing to finish before truly cold weather hits. Once they are done, the workers can install the glass and completely enclose the area… . The massive air conditioning vents in the Dining Room are now insulated… . Work continues on the new nursery… . All in all, we’re making excellent progress… . By the way, we received $8700 last Sunday for the Legacy Campaign Building Fund.