Saturday, March 5, 2005

March 5, 2005

8:44 PM The latest entry in the Crosswalk weblog is called God is a Better Parent Than We Are. 8:02 PM Here’s a recent prisoner letter that contained an unusual personal reference:

Dear Mr. Pritchard, This is my first time in jail and away from my family. I am 29 years old. My father had Drag Raced cars for years and it’s more or less the family business. But I ventured out on my own a little bit and found out things can be pretty hard out there. Well while in here the church pastor was walking through and saw a book sitting in my cell on the window ledge. He asked me how I liked reading it. I told him I wasn’t even reading it. He proceeded to tell me that he knew the writer of the book and was in his wedding. But not as a best man because the man getting married already had four brothers. I can not remember the pastor who was telling me all of this. I have forgotten his name. But the book he was referring to was your book, An Anchor for the Soul. I have never really been big into the church. I attended a Christian school for 1 year when I was younger, but that was it. Well I started to read the book in here and little by little it was like a light switch was slowly being turned on in my head about God and Jesus Christ and where I am in life and where I should be going I my life. I read the whole book and shortly after reading it, it was like on of those cartoons where the light bulb goes off above the character’s head. I realized I am going nowhere in my life without God and Jesus in my life. I asked God to forgive me for all my sins in Jesus’ name, and I prayed like I have never prayed. Thank you for writing such an inspiring book to help put the Lord in anyone’s life like myself. It has changed my life. I have seen the power of prayer and it is wonderful. And if I can save up enough money to get me to Oak Park, I would love to attend a Sunday service with my family and hear more of what you have to say. Maybe some day! Thank you! Jason

This letter caught my eye because the pastor he is referring to is Bob Cosby. Bob did indeed attend our wedding in Mesa, Arizona in August 1974. He now serves as a pastor and leads a thriving ministry in Logansport, Indiana.

Do you have any thoughts or questions about this post?