Saturday, July 16, 2005
July 16, 2005
10:35 AM A big Saturday shout-out to everyone I met at the Oak Park Farmers Market this morning. On my way to buy fresh donuts and fresh blueberries and raspberries, I ran into Kent Magnusson, Tami Magnusson, Marge Utigard, Bob and Barb Berry, Barbara Lange, Nellie Schultz and Al Elliott. I talked to all of them except Al who was busy playing his bass fiddle with the bluegrass band. 8:35 AM 1243 miles. 5:40 AM Phyllis Bliesner of Prison Fellowship sent along this note from a prison chaplain in Florida. We have sent over 100,000 copies of “An Anchor for the Soul” to Prison Fellowship for distribution in prisons across America:
Just a note to say THANKS for the 100 Anchor for the Soul and 100 Claims of Jesus. Your generosity is very much appreciated. I am sure that the inmates will gain much Spiritual direction from them. One of the Chaplains picked up a handful and took to the compound. When he returned he had only one left. We really appreciate good Christian Literature like this.
5:37 AM Paul and Christy Knudson, our missionaries in Bolivia, write that they plan to use Pastor Darin Weil’s “Calvary 500” training material in a radio series on evangelism. 5:37 AM Our family is on the road again. Nick in China. Mark and Marlene are here. Marlene’s sister-in-law Ruth arrives from Nashville later today. Josh just left for a weeklong trip to Alabama to visit some friends in Tuscaloosa and to see my brother Andy and his family and to go with my brother Alan to Gulf Shores. I’m leaving this afternoon for Gull Lake Bible Conference in Hickory Corners, MI, where I’ll be speaking Monday-Thursday. 12:17 AM Today’s entry in the Crosswalk weblog is called Toxic People and Spiritual Potholes.