Saturday, February 5, 2005

February 5, 2005

1:30 PM Calvary in the news … The Winter 2005 issue of Leadership Journal contains an article called “When Gay Activists Came to Calvary,” based on the various protests and media coverage surrounding our services on September 26 when I preached on The Truth About Same-Sex Marriage in the morning services, and Stephen Bennett spoke in the evening. The article is not yet online … In his brand-new book, Breakout Churches, Thom Rainer (Dean of The Billy Graham School of Missions, Evangelism & Church Growth, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) names Calvary as one of thirteen “Breakout Churches” out of 52,000 churches surveyed across the US. 1:28 PM Would the FBI ever investigate a pastor’s sermons? It happened to a Baptist pastor in Mt. Vermon, Illinois.

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