Saturday, August 30, 2003
August 30, 2003
7:16 PM Congratulations to the Oak Park-River Forest football team. This afternoon the Huskies defeated Elgin Larkin 27-7.
8:49 AM Confirmed this week that I will be portraying the famous evangelist Billy Sunday on Sunday, October 19 as part of the “Tale of the Tombstones” sponsored by the Historical Society of Oak Park and River Forest at the Forest Home Cemetery in Forest Park. I’ll be standing in front of Billy Sunday’s tombstone telling the amazing story of his conversion to Christ and how he started as a professional baseball player in the 1880s and became a world-famous evangelist. Pastor Andrew Irvin will portray his famous song leader, Homer Rodeheaver, and we will feature live music by the “Billy Sunday Singers.” We’ll do 12-14 presentations to approximately 400 people from 1:20-4 PM that day.
8:33 AM Found this note in our mailbox: “Yeah! Is that Dixie I hear? 🙂 Jan the mail lady.” When Dixie was missing the other day, Marlene asked Jan if she had seen her. A nice note from a nice lady.
8:32 AM Just saw Butch Novak of Villager Foods in Oak Park on TV. Channel 2 is having a “grill fest” in the Villager parking lot. Doing several spots with grilling tips for the holiday weekend.