Saturday, August 20, 2005

August 20, 2005

4:28 PM Here are the latest entries on the Crosswalk weblog: Worship: The Oil of the Spiritual Life Better Keep Quiet If You Doubt Evolution That’s Crazy! Al Mohler Is Right 2:46 PM Congratulations to the Happy Husband on his two-year blogiversary. Check out his 100 Reasons I Love My Wife. 2:30 PM The Farmers Market was crowded when we paid a visit about 10:30 this morning. It was “roasted corn day” so we stood in line to buy two ears dipped in hot butter and then lightly salted. We bought our usual donuts and blueberries plus fresh corn and fresh cheese, green tomatoes, gladiolas, and some fingerling potatoes. 2:26 PM James MacDonald explains why he is not part of the emerging church movement. 2:26 PM 1595 miles.

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