Saturday, April 30, 2005
April 30, 2005
1:24 PM Here are the latest entries in the Crosswalk weblog: Big Burritos, Bob Jones and the Chicago Bulls Streams in the Desert 11:42 AM Dropped by the church a few minutes ago and saw a group of about 16 people gathered for the International Friends training seminar. With thousands of international students in Chicago from all over the world, this minstry offers us a chance to do missions work right in our own backyard. Calvary members and regular attenders are paired with international students who are studying at one of the many universities in the Chicago area. Many of them are enrolled in top-level Ph.D. programs and most will return to their home countries to pursue their careers. The ministry starts with friendship and it simply develops from there. Students vary greatly in terms of spiritual interest. Some want to know more, others are mildly interested, and some have very little interest. It doesn’t matter. The Friendship Partners build a relationship over time that often becomes a close friendship. We depend on the Holy Spirit to create interest and opportunities to share Christ. It’s a wonderful ministry and I hope it grows to include many more Calvary people in the days to come. By the way, a large percentage of the international students come from China.