Monday, October 4, 2004

October 4, 2004

9:58 PM A few days ago Hurricane Jeanne devasted Haiti, leaving behind a trail of destruction in that already-impoverished country. Over 1300 are known dead. The final total may go much higher. Hardest hit was the seaport town of Gonaives. Debbie Lucien writes from Pignon with an update on her husband Caleb’s relief efforts:

Hi Everyone; I want to let you know that Caleb was able to get to Gonaive yesterday, Friday, Sept. 24 to deliver some supplies. I do not want to sensationalize the suffering there, but simply report Caleb’s comment that “words cannot describe the suffering”. Caleb drove with another pastor to this former city of 250,000. He drove the last mile in 3 feet of water to arrive passing 3 abandoned international vehicles who’d not been able to arrive. Many agencies are now on the ground but the need is so great. Caleb describes a terrible stench from decaying bodies…having to wear limes over one’s face to breathe. There are still 1200 people missing and 200,000 homeless. He was able to distribute water, bread, cleaning/sterilizing supplies to 4 strategic contacts. One is a pastor who currently has 2,000 people sleeping in his church every day. Another are (former) business owners who are now trying to feed their hundreds of employees. One friend reported seeing 13 feet of water sweep the neighborhood away from his roof. They are currently living on their cement roof.

To read the rest of this letter, click here. 8:18 PM Several people have asked when we are going to China to visit Josh. Although we haven’t made plane reservations yet, we know we’ll be traveling sometime in mid-January because that’s when he has a break from teaching. It looks like Marlene and I plus Mark and Nick will be making the trip. We’re also talking to my brother Alan in Tupelo, MS, about going with us. 8:17 PM Bike riding update: 2731 miles YTD. Today was the first day I actually felt a bit cold on my bike. It’s a reminder that some really cold days are just a few weeks away. 11:54 AM Here is a new entry on the Crosswalk weblog: The Mystery of Sovereignty and Free Will 9:15 AM Calling all men! First Watch meets this Thursday at 6 AM. We start with a hot breakfast followed by Bible study, a time for personal application, and prayer around the tables. We end promptly at 7 AM. Note: We start serving breakfast at 5:45 AM. Our theme this week is “The Battle for Purity.”

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