Monday, October 11, 2004
October 11, 2004
8:23 PM I had lunch today with Erwin Lutzer, pastor of Moody Church in Chicago. Among other things, we talked about an upcoming apologetics conference at Moody Church on Saturday, October 23 called The Future of Truth. Speakers include Ravi Zacharias, Philip Johnson, Frank Peretti, William Lane Craig, Dr. Lutzer, and Emir Caner. The conference will address hotly debated topics including Islam, evolution/creationism, Jesus and the Resurrection and present important truths about these topics as outlined in the Bible. I hope a number of people from Calvary will attend. 8:23 PM I didn’t know anything about this, but it’s good news. 8:38 AM Men, don’t forget about First Watch this Thursday at 6 AM. David Tyler will share what God taught him during his recent tour of duty with the Marines in Iraq. 8:33 AM A group well-known evangelical leaders has put together a statement on key ethical issues in the upcoming election. The statement discusses Supreme Court justices, the war on terrorism, abortion, gay marriage, embryonic stem cell research, natural resources, and the importance of Christians being involved in politics. Signers include James Dobson, D. James Kennedy, David Jeremiah, Kent Hughes, Crawford Lorritts, James MacDonald, Dennis Rainey, Mark Bailey and Howard Hendricks. The statement does not discuss particular candidates or political parties. It is simply an explanation of various issues from a biblical perspective. I commend the statement to you as you consider how to vote on November 2.