Monday, November 17, 2003
November 17, 2003
9:50 AM Would you like to pray more but don’t know how? John Hughes suggests a simple technique called glancing prayer. 9:45 AM John Derbyshire thinks that America is the last Christian nation. 8:52 AM Nice note from someone who watched yesterday’s service over the Internet:
Pastor Ray, I just wanted to write to you today to say I really enjoyed listening to your service. I am on a Christian Mommies group with Kendra Neal and she had invited us to watch the baby’s dedication. I wish your church was closer to me, as I live in Ohio. I think I may just listen to your sermons each week . Today’s sermon , as you said, seem to be just for me, I have several family members who do not believe in God, and as hard as I try, none seem to be as close in their walk as I would want them to be. But they do know that I believe and have preached and prayed over them for many years and will continue to do so ! Thanks for the encouragement and May God Bless you in your walk too !!!!!! Debbie
8:49 AM Enjoyed hearing the men’s ensemble sing “Have a Little Talk With Jesus” in all four services yesterday. We don’t hear that style of music very often at Calvary. As I told the last two services, when I was growing up in Alabama, they called that ‘classical music.’ 8:39 AM Short notes … Congratulations to Kathy Duggins, the 2003 Calvary Staff Member of the Year. She received a standing ovation at the Biannual Business Meeting last night… . Congrats to our three new elders: Bryce Becker, Randy Birkey and Ted King… . Special thanks also to the elders who are completing their terms of service—Cliff Raad, Ian Smith and Bruce Lavenau… . The congregation unanimously approved the 2004 Budget last night … All deacon/ess candidates were approved by the congregation… . A wonderful, upbeat, positive spirit prevailed throughout the meeting last night… . Most moving moment for me: Standing on the platform and gazing out over the congregation gathered in small groups for prayer at the beginning of the meeting… . Davis Duggins announced that we have received three resumes so far for the Pastor of Outreach Ministries position. We have written to 91 key leaders across the country, we have posted the job opening on several Internet sites, and we have written to the placement offices of 11 colleges, schools and seminaries asking them to post the job to their graduates. I think we’ll see a large number of applicants in the next month or so.