Monday, May 3, 2004
May 3, 2004
10:24 AM Robert P. George & Gerard V. Bradley explain why the Catholic Church is justified in withholding communion from Catholic politicians who advocate abortion. By the way, in referencing articles about the Catholic position on communion, I don’t mean to gloss over the profound differences between the Catholic doctrine of the Mass and the evangelical understanding of the Lord’s Supper. But the underlying reasons for denying communion apply to evangelical churches also. 10:13 PM Coming this Sunday: Mother’s Day. Men, don’t forget it! 10:11 PM Coming this Saturday: The Hike for Life, sponsored by the crisis pregnancy centers of greater Chicagoland. 10:00 PM The Men’s Conference at Word of Life came to a powerful conclusion on Sunday morning. I felt unusual liberty as I preached. When Joe Jordan challenged the men to make an all-out commitment to Christ, over 100 men came to the front of the auditorium to make a public statement of their desire to live for Christ 100%. Almost everywhere I went men stopped to tell me how much the conference had helped them. I’m glad to be part of what God was doing this weekend in Schroon Lake. When I got to the airport in Albany, I saw two dear friends—Phil and Blossom Woodrow, who live in nearby Clifton Park. They had come to the airport just to spend a few minutes with me. I first met them at Word of Life Campground several years ago.