Monday, May 17, 2004
May 17, 2004
10:23 PM Tonight’s OPCA Spring Concert featured the students in their finest musical presentation ever. Nancy Kamm brought out the music that was in the heart and soul of those children. At the end Terri Benno, chair of the OPCA board, presented Marlene with two scrapbooks of letters and pictures from present and former students, parents and staff members. Then she announced that after an extensive search, Kevin Thames has been chosen as the new administrator. There was thunderous applause and a standing ovation when Kevin’s name was announced. Marlene and I are very pleased because the school will be in good hands with Kevin leading the way into the future. May God grant him success in all that he does. 10:21 PM The current issue of Newsweek features a cover story about the “Pop Prophets,” Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins, whose “Left Behind” series (in all its various forms) has sold a phenomenal 62 million copies so far. (Hat tip to Bob Johnsen.) 12:24 PM Did 17.5 miles on my bike this AM—through Oak Park, River Forest, Maywood, Melrose Park, across the Ike on 9th Street, to Roosevelt Road, east past Portillo’s, then around the back of the shopping center to get a good look at the Living Word Christian Center, then back on Roosevelt to East and home. 1100 miles YTD. 9:45 AM This note came from a woman in Edgewood, Washington who found me on the Internet and wanted to know if we were related:
I see that Pastor Ray indeed has “THE” Pritchard chin. So I am writing to find out if and how he is related to our family. They are all from West Virgina and about. They all had Pastors in the family and my Father-in Law was named Torrey and all his brothers after one’s Like Sheldon, ETC. We are not well aquainted with much family down there as Torrey moved out here years ago. My son just moved to Iowa from Wisconsin and there are a lot of Pritchards there from down south too. Too bad my son who lives in Wisconsin now did not have your infomration when he was in Chicago. Anyway, write and tell me if by chance we are related. Helen, the mother of ten Pritchards
Here is my answer:
Monday AM Hi Helen, I’m honored to hear from the mother of 10 Pritchards. That alone makes me stand up and cheer. I am certain that we are related in one way or another. Several years ago we did a study of the Pritchard family and this is what we discovered. Pritchard is a Welsh name. I am told that in Wales Pritchard is like Jones or Smith here. You also find lots of Pritchards in England and some in Scotland—but most of us come from Wales. There were several waves of migration from Wales to the US in the late 1700s and the early 1800s. Most of the Pritchards came to the mid-Atlantic region and a goodly number migrated to the South. My branch of the family comes from Mississippi and Alabama. But as you said, Pritchards can now be found all over the country. My paternal grandfather was David Pritchard of Oxford, Mississippi. My three brothers live in AL, MS, and AR. I don’t know how we are connected to the Pritchards of West Virginia but I feel certain that we are all from the same Welsh stock. I’m the first preacher in my branch of the family tree—at least in the last two generations. That’s about as much as I know—if you find out more, please let me know. Someone should do a major genealogical study of the Pritchards—as you know, there is a branch of the family without the “t” in their name—Prichard. Not sure of the reason the “t” was dropped. Helen, it was wonderful to hear from you. Always glad to get to know another member of the family. God’s best to you always. Ray Pritchard Oak Park, IL
9:10 AM Greg Chadaranek has solved the mystery of wet-bottom Shoo-fly pie. 8:46 AM People Talk … Great to see Chris Eaton in church yesterday. He just finished his second year at VMI—the Virginia Military Institute. Chris shared several stories of how God has answered his prayers in some amazing ways in the last few months … Matt and Lori Davis served in our music ministry for several years. For the last three years, Matt has been serving at a church in Washington state. They came to Chicago to see a family member graduate from Moody … I met Joel and Susan Rose and their children after the 10 AM service. Joel is the pastor of Midwest Bible Church in CHicago. Joel had a Sunday off and so they came to worship with us… . Congrats to Victor and Carol Van Santen on the birth of Anna Joan last Friday. Mother and daugther are doing fine. Sister Abigail is excited and Victor is a happy man. 8:43 AM David Tiewes has assembled an impressive page relating to the Ten Commandments and their importance in society. David is the son of Elizabeth Tiewes, longtime Calvary member (over 60 years) who recently passed away.