Monday, March 8, 2004
March 8, 2004
10:23 PM Were wrapping up our second day at Word of Life Florida. The weather is a bit cool–its actually in the mid-40s right now after being in the low 70s (with lots of wind) this afternoon. When we arrived yesterday, I found a bike leaning up against the door of the room where we are staying. Last year I bought a bike while I was here, rode it for 102 miles, then donated it to the conference center when we left. Tom had that bike delivered to me for my use this week. We bought a new odometer today and I rode it for a few miles. Its very low on air so I couldnt go very far. Last night we had special guests at the service. Former Calvary members George and Barb Cominos (and son Alex) drove in from Tampa to see us. It was great to see them again. Later we went out for a late supper with Tom and Fay Phillips. I preached this AM on Show me your glory from Exodus 34. Then Marlene and I drove into town to do some shopping. Tonight we had a wonderful missionary service with Word of Life missionaries from Hungary, Austria and Korea sharing music and testimonies. Harry Bollback brought a stirring challenge from Lamentations 1–Is it nothing to you? I found my own heart stirred about Gods work around the world and how we can make that more prominent at Calvary. Then came the big event–-the annual Carpet Golf Tournament. I say annual because even though they have it every week, I only get to play once a year. Four-person teams play carpet golf through the conference center–u-p and down the stairways, around sofas, around and under tables and chairs. I played with Harry Bollback, Tom Phillips and Dan Darling. I hit a couple of decent putts–and a bunch of bad ones. Harry played like Tiger Woods on a couple of holes. We ended up with 36–good but probably not good enough to win. Well get the final results tomorrow. 10:22 PM Special thanks to Broadman & Holman Publishers for posting my review of “The Passion of the Christ” and my answers to key questions about the movie on their website. Andy McQuitty posted the entire list of questions and answers in his weekly e-mail.